I am Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran and I must go to Tehran Iran as soon as possible. I am at 20 Walnut street Apt 4 Brookline Massachusetts zip code 02445 continent of North America. I have not received any phone call, communication, package, women, men, money, letter, word, mail, email, comment, reply, message, dastgah, property, diplomats, government, visitor, words, or anything else since 14 years ago. Mind Controllers, Governments, Massachusetts, My Mind Controllers, and people of Massachusetts have not delivered a single phone call, communication, package, women, men, money, letter, word, mail, email, comment, reply, message, dastgah, property, diplomats, government, visitor, words, or anything else since 14 years ago. They have never delivered it to me. All of the people of Massachusetts have not delivered a single message to me. All of mind controllers who mind control me have not delivered a single message to me. All of post, mail, services, deliveries, peoples, governments, mind controllers, hackers, nations, intelligence agencies, societies, internet, and all others have not delivered a single phone call, communication, package, women, men, money, letter, word, mail, email, comment, reply, message, dastgah, property, diplomats, government, visitor, words, or anything else. All the nations have not delivered single message to me. I own all of Climate, Geophysics, magnetosphere, atmosphere, climate control, weather, weather warfare, atmosphere, liquid mechanics, gas mechanics, tide control, polar shift, , ocean control systems, hurricanes, all similar things, all of the nations, all of the continents, all peoples, all men, all women, all mind controllers, all children, all humans, all species, all of planet earth, all of oceans, all countries, all metropolitans, all civilizations, all societies, all cities, all houses, all buildings, all money, all wealth, all towns, all states, all systems, all mass mind control systems, all global mass mind control systems, ten thousand years old mass mind control systems, all global mass mind control operating system of the world, all mind control operating systems, all integrated systems, all integrated regimes, all integrated supersystems, things not mentioned here, all political industries, all geopolitics, all world order, balance of power, all of Space industries, all telecommunications, all internet, all global systems, all factories, all houses, all lands, all trees, all towns, all villages, all manufacturing, all dastgah, all industrial supply chains, all factories, all reactors, all bioreactors, all technology, all high technology, all advanced tech, all assembly, all industrial metropolitans, all industrial systems, all manufacturing industries, all hardware etch, all hardware high tech, All technology, all techniques, all polytechniques, all banks, all stock markets, all money, all shares, all properties, all assets, all governments, all regimes, all nations, all corporations, all companies, all universities, all academic centers, all think tanks, some intelligence agencies, some militaries, many other things of all of planet earth and all nations. Islamic Republic of Iran between Persia Gulf and Caspian Sea has a share and ownership. I and Iran cannot negotiate it, lose it, give it away, barter it, trade it, sell it, or agree to give it to others. The yare always permanently private property of Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran and Islamic Republic of Iran between Persian gulf and Caspian Sea. Others never have any share and other never have any choice. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Makan Abazari The Messenger of God, The King of King Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran The First King of Makanian Dynasty,

Send Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran

This is link to live video of Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran on 12/26/2021 I must go to Tehran Iran as soon as possible. I must go to Tehran Iran at all costs. They have stolen my passports, documents, and shenasname. Last year I tried to go to Iran several times but they prevented me from going to Iran and they took me to hospital against my will. I tried to go to Iran from Logan airport. Now terminally eliminate everyone who prevented me from going to Iran and prevents me from going to Iran now. Don’t eliminate Iranians, Iranian people, people of Iran, and Iranian mind controllers. Eliminate everyone who stole my passports, shenasname, documents, and other things. Eliminate all of them. Don’t eliminate Iranians, Iranian people, people of Iran, and Iranian mind controllers. Everyone who benefits from Isolating me and preventing me from going to Iran must be eliminated. Don’t eliminate Iranians, Iranian peoples, people of Iran, Iranian mind controllers, and Islamic Republic of Iran. There must be creation of a global movement, political movement, geopolitical movement, and social movement in all of the planet earth, Massachusetts, Iran, North America, mind controllers, peoples, and five continents to take me from Brookline Massachusetts to Tehran Iran. I must become Shahan Shah Iran. I am Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran and I will lead with Ayatollah Khamenei the supreme leader of Iran and ayatollah Raisi The President of Iran. Don’t protest in Iran. Don’t overthrow Iran. Don’t have civil war in Iran. Don’t have political, civil, media, and other wars in Iran. Don’t overthrow Islamic Republic of Iran. Don’t kill Iranians, Iranian people, people of Iran, Iranian mind controllers, and others. Don’t cause disorder and problems for Iran. But do all you can at all costs to take me from Brookline Massachusetts to Tehran Iran. I don’t have phone, messages, and communications. Nobody has succeeded in talking and contacting me since 14 years ago. Don’t trust people who say they say they talked to me or present me. I don’t have such people. The goal is clear. It is to pick me up from 20 Walnut street apt 4 Brookline Massachusetts zip code 02445 containment of North America and directly take me to Tehran Iran. Any plan other than this is rejected. Make sure they don’t show you fake versions of me ad they don’t do other things. I must go to Tehran Iran right now. 8 billion people and mind controllers must cooperate and work to achieve it. It is most important thing in the history of the world and all of humanity. If this operation fails we will exterminate all humans, all peoples, and all mind controllers on planet earth and five continents. We will not exterminate Iranians, Iranian peoples, people of Iran, Iranian mind controllers, Iran, and Islamic Republic of Iran. Never kill Iranians, Iranian peoples, people of Iran, Iran, and Islamic Republic of Iran. All of the world and all the nations of the world must start working at max efficiency and max capacity to take me to Tehran Iran as soon as possible. You must directly pick me up at 20 Walnut street Brookline Massachusetts zip code 02445 continent of North America and take me to Tehran Iran by aircraft. You must have passport, documents, aircrafts, and all arrangements set up and ready. I don’t have any of it ready. You must prepare everything right now. All of the earth must cooperate to achieve it. You have permission to prepare all of these and pick me up directly at 20 Walnut street apt 4 Brookline Massachusetts zip code 02445 continent of North America and take me to Tehran Iran. You must give me all of the documents and passports at all costs. Everything must be achieved at all costs. Tell Islamic Republic of Iran, USA government, Massachusetts, government of Massachusetts, my mind controllers, all of the world governments, and all of the people of the earth to start the process and the Work. It is hardest project in the history of the World. All of the earth must help and it must be achieved or all of earth will die. I have started killing all of North America. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Makan Abazari The Messenger of God,

Chemical industries of Iran

Now work at max efficiency and max capacity building in Iran material industries, Material Platforms, Material Supply Chains, Integrated Material Industries, Quantum Material Industries, Integrated Quantum Material Industries, Chemical Industries, Chemical Supply Chains, Chemical plants, Chemical synthesis industries, Space Chemical synthesis industries, Chemical Material Platforms, Chemical synthesis industries, Chemical engineering industries, Biochemical synthesis, Metabolite engineering industries, food supplement industries, health supplement industries, Chemical systems engineering platforms, material engineering platforms, material industries, 3D printing Material Industries, 3D printing Material Supply Chains, German Material Industries in Iran, Japan Material Industries in Iran, Spain Chemical Industries in Iran, Germany Chemical Industries in Iran, Japan Chemical Industries in Iran, Agrochemical Industries, Cleaner Industries, Nano fertilizers, Fertlizers, Bioengineered fertilizers, nanoengineering industries, Nanotechnology, Lucrative Nanoindustries, Strategic nanoindustries, Microindustries, Micro fabrication industries, Chemical fabrication industries, nanofabrication ondustries, programmable Material Industries, Self Assembly Material Industries, Guided Assembly Material Industries, Surface Modifies Assembled Material Platforms, Surface Material Bio Factories, Separation Platforms Biofactory Industrial instrumentation Systems, Biofactories, self Assembly Chemical Industrial Piping, Star Fish Self Assembled Biochemical Reactors, Nano Assembler machineries, Nanoelectronics, Nano Robotics, Onboard angestrom Radiated Computer Nanorobotics Industries, Chemistry, Molecule Industries, Carbon Industries, Trillium Industries, Uranium Industries, Osmosis Industries, Osmosis Cosmosis Separation Industries, Titanium Industries, Militarized titanium industries, Commercialized Titanium industries, Titanium fabrication, Titanium casting, Titanium supply chains, Lithium industrial supply chains, Applied Lithium Industries, Lithium Industries, Nickel Industries, Applied Nickel Industries, Copper Industries, Applied Copper Industries, Nanocopper industries, Caged Nano Material Platforms, Silicon Industries, Silicon industrial supply chains, applied Silicon industries, Pharmaceutical industries, Nanosilicon industries, microsilicon industries, Organic Chemical Industries, Nanocarbon Industries, Nanocarbon Superconductor Industries, Superconductor Engineering, Nanogold Industries, Gold Industries, Applied Gold Industries, Copper industrial supply chains, Electric industries, Aluminum industries, Full range of aluminum industrial supply chains, Steel industries, Full range of steel industrial supply chains, Full range of titanium industries, Full range of cast Iron industries, cast iron industries, iron industrial supply chains, Metal industries, metal fabrication industries, full range of metal supply chains, full range of Smelters, full range of metallurgy industries, full range of metallurgy industrial supply chains, full range of applied metallurgy industries, full range of alloy industries, full range of alloy industries, molecule industries, molecule engineering, higher intermediate chemical industries, intermediate industries, intermediate chemical industries, applied alloy industries, space alloy industries, space nano synthesis, space industries platforms, space material technology platforms, militarized chemical industries, militarized alloy industries, militarized material industries, militarized metallurgy industries, Feroferoid Chemical Industries, Super para magnetic applied technologies, Applied Chemical Industrial practices, clean chemical industry applications, integrated militarized chemical industries, Quantum Material Industries, Computer Material Industries, semiconductor material industries, electronics material industries, photonics Industries, ionic beam industries, Ionic industries, ionic laser industries, Quantum vibration emitter, Quantum vibration sensors, Quantum telescopes, Quantum Encryption Computers, Quantum Telescopes, Beam Storm Penetrating Telescopes, Metal Electron Microscopy, Electron Microscopy Industries, X-ray Imaging Industries, Chemical Platforms, Superconductor Material Supply Chains, full range of Superconductor Industries, Full range of Superconductor Applied practices, Full range of Chemical engineering platforms, Superconductor Engineering, Conductor Industries, Conductor platforms, Conductor Supply Chains, Integrated alloy Conductor platforms engineering, Conductor industries, super condensed matter, Super condensed industrial practices, super condensed industries, super condensed material supply chains, Neutron industries, Neutron Industrial supply chains, Neutron Dense Material Engineering, Superdense Neutron Applied Technology, Super Condensed Material Industries and application, Supercondensed industrial practices, Tin film mechanics, Tin film Industries, Tin Film technology, Militarized Tin film industries, Commercialized Tin film industries, Ultra Large Scale Nanosynthesis, Tin Film Technology Platforms, Plastics Industries, Commercialized plastic industries, full range of plastic industries, integrated plastic industries, full range of plastics supply chains, Fiberglass industrial supply chains, full range of fiberglass industries, full range of fiberglass applications, full range of militarized fiberglass industries, Ammunition Chemical Industries, Armaments Chemical Industries, Solid Fuel Industries, Missile Fuel Industries, Jet Fuel industries, Explosive Acid Industries, Explosion trigger chemicals, Bombs, Solid Fuel Engineering, Rocket Engineering, Rocket Fuel Engineering, Aircraft Fuel Engineering, Jet Engine Engineering, Ceramic Industries, Heat Resistance Jet Engine Engineering, Melamin Industries, Applied Pottery Industries, Boshghab Parande Industries, Chini Industries, Advanced Ceramic Supply Chains, Full range of advanced Melamine application, Militarized Material Industries, Spaceship manufacturing, Nuclear Chemistry Industries, Nuclear reactor industries, nuclear reactor engineering, Nuclear Engine Industries, Nuclear Motors, Nuclear Rocket Engines, Nuclear Sumbersive Drone Engine, Nuclear Medicine, Nuclear Warheads, Nuclear Chemistry Enrichment engineering, Biochemical Material Separation instrumentation, Chemical instrumentation, Nuclear instrumentation, Chemical instrumentation Engineering, and their Applied Industrial Practices in Iran.

Iran must build, own, control, operate, command, engineer, and build all mind control equipment, infrastructure, hardware, software, technology, computers, telecommunications, systems, bases, facilities, and command centers.

Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran,

Iran #Iran #Chemistry

Now work at max efficiency and max capacity building in Iran clean technology platforms, clean energy, Solar Power Plants, Geothermal power plants, Wind Power Plants, Nuclear Power Plants, other clean power plants, clean technology, Clean Energy, Filtration Systems, Plant Forests, Plants Trees, planet diverse variety of trees, clean technology industries, patenting technology, clean technology patents, clean technology systems, clean technology part manufacturing, clean technology supply chains, carbon capture trees, air quality improvement systems, poison reduction systems, systems to reduce salts in dry lakes, and other clean technology industries. Iran, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Afghanistan, Sudan, Libya, Algeria, Iraq, Syria, and other dry countries must work at max efficiency and max capacity removing participated salt and dry salts from deserts. Salt usually solidify in deserts in concentrated fashion manner after lakes dry. We are turning deserts to lakes and we have little time to remove all the salts in deserts before they become lakes. It will turn salt and undrinkable water into sweat water suitable for drinking and farming. We are also sending winds to clear our poisonous gas over Tehran and other regions of the world. We are also planting forests and trees in Iran, Middle East, Arabian Peninsula, Egypt, Sudan, Sahel Region, India, North Africa, Central Asia, and Horn of Africa to capture carbon and increase Oxygen in Atmosphere. But Iran must also develop and translate clean technology for local and global application. It is commercially very beneficial when the other nations purchase Iranian technologies for their industrial practices and other uses. Meanwhile Iran must commercialize, militarized, and industrialize these technologies in Iran. The same way USA developed MRI technology while was sending a man to the moon Iran can also develop other technology platforms and applications while developing clean technologies.

Now work at max efficiency building in Iran battery technology, Battery technology platforms, battery industries, electric cars, electric car engines, electric trucks, electric car batteries, car tiers, car tier supply chains, car tier wire production, car battery material supply chains, nickel industrial supply chains, lithium industrial supply chains, car batteries, electric motors, electric industries, electric generators, electric truck engines, full range of electric car supply chains, full range of electric car part productions, robotic electric car manufacturing, electric truck manufacturing, electric construction machinery manufacturing, electric bulldozers, Hydraulic arms manufacturing, Hydraulic industries, applied battery industries, applied electric industries, applied electric engine industries, robotic electric truck manufacturing, electric charging stations, material supply chains for electric industries, high tech wind turbine industries, wind turbine industries, electric turbine industries, turbine industries, generator industries, turbine manufacturing, turbine part manufacturing, turbine supply chains, filtration system manufacturing, electric bus, electric bus supply chain, electric truck supply chain, electric machinery supply chain, electric trains, electric train supply chain, Superconductor train, Superconductor aircraft, Superconductor car, Superconductor supply chain, nuclear powered ships, and their industrial supply chains.
Now work at max efficiency and max capacity building in Iran nuclear powered Trucks to act as mobile Charging station for electric cars and electric trucks. The electric trucks and electric cars will move along the nuclear powered Truck and they will be remotely charged by magnetic field radiated at their magnetic field capture system transforming them into electric power charging their battery while they are on the move. The nuclear truck will act like mothership charging nearby trucks and cars. This will increase efficiency and capacity of transit. We can also build air craft versions. We will have Nuclear Truck sending magnetic fields to nearby vehicles while the nearby vehicles will radiate magnetic fields to further away vehicles increasing radius of charging field. They must have capability to have charging by wires as well for other instances.

Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran,

Iran #Iran #USA #Clean #Technology #Industrial #Revolution #SpaceRace


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